Personalization & Automation: The perfect match

personalization and automation
Today you need to collect valuable consumer data at every step and analyze it to be able to make personalized and informed content for your customers.
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personalization and automation

What is Personalized Marketing?

Marketing today is about understanding what your customers want and creating messages that matter to them. Technology has come a long way with the tools that make this possible. Automation software and platforms are changing the game and brands have more tools to create a winning marketing strategy.

Why does personalized marketing matter?

Using relevant content is more likely to get customers to take action. For a while, the phrase “content is king” ruled the internet. Now, it’s safe to say that relevant content is king. So, marketing and sales teams are getting smarter and customers are getting used to experiences that feel personal.

To explain why relevant content matters, let’s take a look at the numbers:

  • 76% of consumers are more likely to purchase from brands that offer personalized experiences (McKinsey).
  • 60% of consumers report that a personalized shopping experience encourages them to become repeat customers (Exploding Topics).
  • 66% of customers expect brands to know their wants and needs (Salesforce).

The goal is to give customers an amazing experience and create an interaction that is meaningful. Customers should receive what they need every time they come in contact. When contacting a customer, potential or returning, it’s important to approach them appropriately for that moment to meet their specific goals and needs.

To do this, you will need valuable information about your consumers. When companies start increasing their customer base, it’s impossible to achieve a personal approach in a natural way. At this point, you need to segment customer groups using automation. You can offer smart and tailored assistance to a particular group. This will help you meet their expectations and provide the services, products, and support they need.

Your business can use automated processes to improve customer engagement, better understand customer groups and their needs, and learn how to convert one-time customers into long-term customers. You shouldn’t use marketing automation to create generic answers for the masses; use it as a support system that can help you drive customers where they want to be.

What is Marketing Automation?

Marketing automation involves the use of a specially designed platform that can help you automate all the regular marketing activities you need to perform on a daily basis. Marketers who have to work with many customers on a daily basis need to automate some of their tasks.

To provide great personalization you need automation and data. Today you need to collect valuable consumer data at every step and analyze it to be able to make personalized and informed content for your customers.

This can be an overwhelming process as it requires a lot of resources, time and knowledge to organize, manage and analyze such a large amount of data. Furthermore, the final step is to apply everything you learn from the data to personalize and optimize your marketing strategies.

That’s why you need the right technology solutions to make the whole process easier and create a structured impact. Automation platforms and artificial intelligence solutions can help with most of the tasks involved here. Waymore’s marketing automation platform can collect, store, analyze and perform some of the most important operational tasks on its own.

Personalize with automation - Use cases

Automate personalised emails

Blasting a lot of people with automated emails will take even more prospects away from your business. In addition, such emails will likely end up in a spam folder without even being read. This is why many people think email is dead, but it’s not – they’re just approaching it the wrong way.

You need to personalize emails using automation through which you can change the dynamic content of your messages to create a more personalized tone. Through this, you can customize a field that you can use for many different buyer personas and sort them either manually or automatically to segment them.

The next step is to customize all the messages for each individual and make it easier to send them to groups of people. This way you will optimize the email sales process. Although you are directing consumers en masse through your sales funnel, you will increase their chances of conversion.

In addition, this approach also sets your customers and yourself up for an honest communication and this is essential for increasing sales. The potential content within your emails that you can personalize is for example images.

Form Segmentation

When someone clicks on your newsletter sign-up form, you simply give them more options on how to proceed. As they choose options, they are given sufficient steps that will be more appealing to them.

Not only that, but you will be able to gather valuable information about your prospects that you can use in the future to market yourself to them. For example, you can segment prospects based on their gender and offer them different custom fields to fill out.

Implement a CRM system and integrate it with your email newsletter so you have all the important information in one place. By segmenting your audience even before you send any emails, you can increase open and click-through rates, as you’ll have information to help you personalize your emails.

Choose Waymore’s software tool to run forms so you can integrate it with your website and CRM to have a very simple workflow. This is something you should consider adding to user profiles and allow people to customize their settings and content as well. When people can control their content, they will have a more personalized experience and that’s how you will retain your customers.

Build Dynamic Pages

Create landing pages that target keywords that users searched for to get to your site. Aside from emails, site personalization is the most important. By optimizing your pages to be searchable by a wide variety of keywords that are relevant to your site, people will land on it and see exactly the keywords they searched for. Visitors are surprised that they found the exact same thing down to the last letter and fall in love with it. With this technique you can drastically increase your conversion rates and it also allows marketers to create different landing pages with fewer resources. In addition, you should take it a step further and personalize your page based on different groups of visitors.

Start to personalize today and watch your sales grow

Personalization is now one of the most efficient techniques in marketing and customers enjoy it. If you offer this, you can get better results. Still, remember that automation and personalization work better together. You can rely on automation to improve personalization. It’s up to you to see your prospects as customers and focus on what defines them and who they are, not what they would like to do with your business.

If you want to attract your customer’s attention you need to provide them with personalized advanced content. You can use automation to do that and improve customer engagement, better understand customer groups and their needs, and learn how to convert one-time customers into long-term customers.

By understanding customers and approaching them as individuals, you will engage them much better and have a better understanding of how your business works.
Remember to take it one step at a time. Start with personalizing your email marketing strategy and see the results for yourself!

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